Detoxify, Fortify, and Live!


For many, summer is a long-awaited moment in time which signifies not just warmth, but exploration, new beginnings, and most of all, good food. For those who have read my previous entries, it is quite evident that I’m a bit of a foodie, but also a nutrition nut as of late; I’m always looking to improve my health and wellness!

Six summers ago, I made the decision to give up red meat and pork. This September it will be two years since I threw out the poultry, and this past April, a full year since I denounced dairy, gluten, eggs, refined sugars, and the list goes on. As I said before, summer is a nostalgic moment for many, especially when it comes to eating food. I have not been to a barbecue in years, and I’m fine with that (I’m sure there’s someone out there who grills salmon, asparagus, daikon and brussels sprouts though).

Now, summer represents a time of action and change. This sentiment is shared by others. You know, those who only exercise for that ideal beach body, right? Then, once Fall emerges, it’s back under the blankets with sweets, hot chocolate, and momentum like a turtle. No, for me, these changes must be lifelong. I have made a point to stay mentally strong and remain on the path to a livelier, happier, healthier life.

Lately, I have been giving special titles to the months of the year, such as “Make it Happen May,” “Jubilation June,” “Jump Start July,” and now, “Anti-Stress August.” Hey, I can be pretty corny. Laughs aside, this summer was deemed “Sugarless Summer.” For the month of June, I gave up ALL sugar (including cane syrup, cane sugar, palm sugar, etc). This was similar to what I did in 2013 when I began the Virgin Diet, which involved cutting out sugar and artificial sweeteners. Some recipes will follow.

I must say, for the month of June, I felt absolutely amazing. Some people think that sugar has been given a bad name overtime, but it truly is not good for you, even the healthier forms. Now, I won’t be a hypocrite. For the month of July, I did explore sugar again that was unrefined, but not without consequences. Headaches, joint pain, stomach aches, back pain, lethargy, and mental fog were just a few of the results. I deserved them! Everyone must remember that our bodies speak to us. That may sound insane, and if it does, so be it. Our skin is a mirror to what is inside, and whenever I eat a lot of sugar, I break out. Our heart, stomach, liver and kidneys will also tell us when we are plunging into dietary suicide.

Without a doubt, I strongly encourage everyone to try a month of no sugar. Prior to this, you may even want to try a detox or cleanse for a period of time for optimum fortification. A few months back I tried an excellent 7-day cleanse. From that, I felt as if I removed so much clutter from within, not just physically, but also mentally. Though it was for seven days, the cleanse was not harsh at all! Experts say that a cleanse is necessary for the body, and should be performed twice a year. Imagine that; many have never cleansed at all. A cleanse is not just good for losing weight, but also to combat environmental stress, physical stress, poor diet, as well as harmful health practices.

So, it is my aim to be steadfast on this road to minimal to no sugar. And you know what? My body is happy with that because it remains silent when I eat the foods that are good for me.


Visit NutriDreams for your daily nutritional needs. Find vitamins, minerals, and bulk organic, gluten-free and vegan foods.


Filed under Food for Thought, Nutrition

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