Simplify, Detoxify and Fortify!


In just one week, the spring season will commence! For many, it is a time of rejuvenation, rebirth, and reinvention. If you live in regions that were pounded by snowstorms and last minute nor’easters that remind us climate change is not that bad yet, you are happy for warmth. Personally, I am just happy to declutter myself, both body and mind.


Physical Detox:

This time of year, I often have conversations with clients about doing some type of detox to jumpstart their health goals. Many health professionals recommend detoxing (cleansing) the body 1-2 times a year, with spring being an optimal time to do so, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It’s important to note that a detox is not a solution to poor habits and serious health concerns. I mentioned it being a jumpstart to one’s health goals. Ideally, a detox should be used as a supplement to healthful eating and lifestyle practices, not a replacement.

Consider a detox as an oil change for the body, or providing the same effect as Drano. Unfortunately, Drano is useful for routine pipe buildup, not rocks or masses never intended for your drains in the first place! Similarly, a detox should be used as a short-term solution to ease the colon, liver, and kidneys. If you detox a couple times a year, but return to harmful habits shortly after, you may be wasting your time.

Nature is always best when considering a detox. That means actually consuming natural, life-giving whole foods, such as brown rice and other grains, leafy greens, beans, some fruits, etc. It’s not necessary for you to consume a liquid concoction, though some are effective. Also, a supplement is not required either, although they can be very convenient if food preparation is not your strong suit. For clients, I utilize a detox system from NutriClean that lasts for seven days, in addition to clean eating, activity, adequate water intake, and sleep (aka, keeping up with the N.E.W.S.).

Not only will you feel better after detoxing for a few days, you’ll also notice external changes in your skin and hair. Individuals who detox, often report experiencing mental clarity and vibrant energy after completion. Speaking of mental clarity. . .

Mental Detox:

It is equally important to perform a mental detox this spring. It’s said, what you do physically will affect you mentally and emotionally. This is very true. Research has shown that our gut is like a “second brain,” in that a healthier diet contributes to better cognitive function. But, in addition to physical actions such as eating healthier and exercising, there are daily rituals we can perform to declutter our minds.

This spring, have an attitude of gratitude. A thankful person is a healthier person mentally. It’s easier said than done, but Queen Elsa had something with the idea of letting go of things that no longer serve us well and forgiving others.

Think of negative thoughts and grudges as toxic waste for the mind. You would never spill sewage into your garden, right? Well, think twice about what you allow in your mental garden. Surround yourself with positive associations. Consider the people you interact with, the television shows you watch, the music you listen to, and the books you read.

Like yourself and love yourself every opportunity you get. Use positive affirmations to build yourself up and visualize the end goal (what you want for the future). Forgive yourself for past faults and celebrate ALL victories.

Realize that you are your own rescue (Thanks Lisa Nichols!) and that you are both the problem and solution. Ouch! Be empowered. This means that you have the ability to create a better life for yourself. Eliminate problem-centric thought and realize that there is beauty and positivity in every day. Lastly, do not focus on what you cannot control.

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