Tag Archives: digestive

7-Day Cleanse Challenge

It’s a new year, so why not flush out the impurities of the past year? This will actually be my second cleanse; my first was last winter. A few years ago I made drastic changes to my diet due to health concerns that I had at the time. From those illnesses, I was propelled to take on the identity of a health conscious individual. I’m pescetarian/semi-vegan and love it. Aside from that, I’m cautious about my grains, eat no refined sugar, and avoid GMO foods.

I see the 7-Day Cleanse as the necessary tool to rid my body of all the junk built up during many years of an unhealthy lifestyle. For the next 7 consecutive days, I will combine clean eating with powerful herbal supplements to thoroughly detox my body. Time to clean up my digestive tract, liver, and colon!


For the above shake, I mixed in my nutribullet the following: banana, almond milk, sunflower seed butter, cashews, Garden of Life protein powder, cacao, cinnamon, and stevia. For a colder shake, freeze the banana(s) ahead of time or add 1-2 ice cubes.

Message me if you have any questions about recipes or anything you see this week. And if you want to do your own 7-Day Cleanse Challenge, I’ll help you get started!


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Filed under Food, Food for Thought, Nutrition