Tag Archives: Acne

Food for the Face – Turmeric Facial Mask

2014-08-02 09.03.02

The first thing on your mind is probably, “A turmeric mask?” Yes, you read right. Turmeric, in its powder form, is used in various recipes in South Asia, such as curry. But it also has many benefits for one’s health and appearance.

In different cultures, turmeric has been seen as a natural antibiotic, having powerful effects on the body. It has even been attributed to having anti-cancer properties, and the ability to inhibit other disorders. It especially works as an anti-inflammatory and anti-aging agent.

I first learned about this natural “beauty secret” from a Pakistani friend a year and a half ago. I was looking for a solution to uneven skin complexion, and a means to combat bouts of acne. For those with browner skin tones like myself, you may be used to your face appearing dramatically different from other areas of your body. For me, this summer tan fades slowly, and sometimes not at all!

How To Make The Mask:

So, what do you need for a turmeric mask? The list below includes ingredients for the mask featured in this blog:

1 tsp of turmeric powder
1 ½ – 2 tsp of ground oats
2-3 tbsp of plain non-fat yogurt

  • Simply combine a small amount of turmeric powder with non-fat yogurt.
  • If you lack a food processor, use a knife to chop up oats, then add to mix.
  • Mix the ingredients until you create a paste (see the first photo above).
  • Apply the mask to a clean face, and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes; then gently remove with warm water.

The ingredients for the turmeric mask can vary. In some instances, I have combined just tap water with turmeric. Coconut oil and turmeric is also a good combination, but tends to be runnier, and not as firm as using yogurt.

A Few Tips:

  • Turmeric DOES stain. Avoid wearing nice clothing while using the mask.
  • If you notice turmeric remnants after removing the mask, rinse your face thoroughly, or use a facial cleanser.
  • To avoid staining your hands, use a glove or cotton ball to apply the paste.
  • Natural skin remedies take longer. Be patient.

Since I first started using the turmeric mask, I have seen many improvements. My complexion is a lot brighter, skin tone is more even, and my acne and dark marks are more manageable. In fact, many people have noticed and complimented me on my skin. I suggest using a good facial cleanser before applying this mask, as well as a good toner after. You may want to then follow with a good serum, and of course moisturizer. Need some suggestions. Check the link below!*

So, there you have it. Turmeric is not  just food for the stomach, but also food for the face.

If you want some more tips on how to help manage healthy skin, here’s my weekly skincare regiment*

Visit NutriDreams for your daily nutritional needs. Find vitamins, minerals, and bulk organic, gluten-free and vegan foods.


Filed under Beauty, Recipe