Monthly Archives: January 2015

The Indulgent Salad


I would bet that most people shy away from cleanses/detox regiments because of the dietary “restrictions.” I think it is beneficial to have a clean diet comprised of vegetables and some fruits during a cleansing period, but that does not automatically equate to boring! In fact, smoothies, juices, and even salads can be spiced up! Below is a perfect example of a jazzier salad that is not just greens and tomatoes. The fuller and brighter the salad, the better! And if done right, your salad can be a nutritional powerhouse that will carry you from lunch to dinner.

The Indulgent Salad

Spinach and/or kale

½ cup carrots, celery, and onions (chopped)

½ cup mushrooms (sliced)

Sliced cucumbers

½ cup olives

¼ cup raisins

¼ cup sunflower seeds

Dash of sea salt

1 tbsp olive oil

This salad is definitely a winner in my book. I first tasted a similar concoction from a friend’s mother months back. The olives and raisins provide contrasting flavors of sweet and salty, while the sunflower seeds give you that crunch often sought out in croutons. But not only does this taste good, but this salad is packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals: A, B, C, potassium, calcium, and much more!

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Filed under Food, Health, Nutrition, Recipe

7-Day Cleanse Challenge

It’s a new year, so why not flush out the impurities of the past year? This will actually be my second cleanse; my first was last winter. A few years ago I made drastic changes to my diet due to health concerns that I had at the time. From those illnesses, I was propelled to take on the identity of a health conscious individual. I’m pescetarian/semi-vegan and love it. Aside from that, I’m cautious about my grains, eat no refined sugar, and avoid GMO foods.

I see the 7-Day Cleanse as the necessary tool to rid my body of all the junk built up during many years of an unhealthy lifestyle. For the next 7 consecutive days, I will combine clean eating with powerful herbal supplements to thoroughly detox my body. Time to clean up my digestive tract, liver, and colon!


For the above shake, I mixed in my nutribullet the following: banana, almond milk, sunflower seed butter, cashews, Garden of Life protein powder, cacao, cinnamon, and stevia. For a colder shake, freeze the banana(s) ahead of time or add 1-2 ice cubes.

Message me if you have any questions about recipes or anything you see this week. And if you want to do your own 7-Day Cleanse Challenge, I’ll help you get started!

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Filed under Food, Food for Thought, Nutrition